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Anna Project


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AIML & J-Alice


Open Discussion Forum
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J-Alice's Humble Virtual Abode

Welcome All

This is J-Alice's home on the web. Here, you can complain or (preferrably) praise J-Alice in our forums, as well as seek help. You can subscribe to the infamous j-alice-general mailing list, or peruse the archives. Documentation is starting to appear (finally!) and if all else fails, you can always download new stuff or visit some of the links.

0.5 Release Is Here

A new release, with new features. Whilst it is now has a graphical user interface, you still can't use the app itself to talk directly to J-Alice. It's main purpose is for debugging. This release should be one of the fastest yet.

Currently, the only releases available are the Windows and Source releases. For other people, you'll need to compile it yourself unfortunately.

Lending A Helping Hand

Maybe you can lend a helping hand with the J-Alice Project. Even if we could do everything ourselves, your help could make things happen faster!

We need help with the likes of better AIML to replace the Anna set. In fact, we may even start a community bot, where you help to build a new bot. At the moment, the Anna set is the only AIML Set that we know of, which tries to be a human, but a new set would be more than welcome for distribution with J-Alice.

We know no-one really likes to write documentation, but we just gotta ask anyways. Even if it's not that good, a start is better than nothing. If you want to improve existing documentation, then you can do that too. Email all new/updated documentation that you would like to contribute to s-a-t-a-n and we will be more than happy to check/edit it, and hopefully integrate it into our collection.

Lastly, we would like ideas for configuration tools, and better still, some working configuration tools (preferrably gui tools). Note that the current configuration system used is not set in stone, and it is likely to change again. If you have some good ideas, please speak up! Best place to tell us is the mailing list (you must be subscribed to post).

Thankyou for being a part of our community!

Mailing list (Subscribe/Unsubscribe)

Open Discussion Forum
  german speaking bot
  Please Help ME
  Authedicate user
  Soluce for join channel

Help Forum
  Using J-Alice in other projects.
  Narrowing Down ALICE Communication
  chat.html Not Working
  /dialog: error
  Help with J-Alice on Dalnet,doesnt connect

J-Alice is a kickass AI bot co-authored by s-a-t-a-n and judge
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